2024 Podcasts

Angaza Forum conducted a series of podcasts where The Africa Wallstreet team engaged with the Angaza Award Judges and this year’s Top 10 Women to Watch in Banking and Finance. These discussions covered a range of topics, from leadership guidance to strategies for promoting gender diversity at senior levels.


Patience Muvea

Chief Actuary
Liberty Life Insurance Ltd.
Emerging Trends and Lessons Learned in the Insurance Sector

Mary Mulili

Managing Director and CEO
UBA Kenya
The Leadership Journey: Fostering Growth and Inclusion

Rose Wanda

Secretary General
Organisation of Eastern and Southern Africa Insurers (OESAI)
Empowering Women in Finance: Bridging Insurance Literacy and Financial Inclusion

Catherine Musakali

The Women on Boards Network Kenya
ESG as a Catalyst for Economic Growth in Africa

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